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Principle Prototype to Improve Runkeeper’s Manual Activity Logging

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September 23, 2016
1 min read

Principle Prototype to Improve Runkeeper’s Manual Activity Logging

The Problem

As a keen user of the fitness tracking app, Runkeeper, I find it frustrating sometimes when adding an activity manually because I have to scroll through a long list of activities (some of which I never use) to find the one that I want.

Wouldn't it be handy for users to be able to customise that list?

Principle Prototype

I developed a prototype using Sketch and Principle for Mac. This demonstrated how users might show/hide activities that they don't use from the list.

This made the experience more personalised and easier to use. Users can always re-enable them at a later date.

Furthermore, users can re-order activities in the list to be able to access the most commonly used ones more quickly.

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